How and Why to Showcase Your Tattoo Studio with Us? ASK FOR FREE ADVERTISING!

How and Why to Showcase Your Tattoo Studio with Us? ASK FOR FREE ADVERTISING!
Here, We Will Guide You:
  • How to Present Your Tattoo Studio
  • How to Present Yourself as a Tattoo Artist
Dear colleagues,
Our clients have already purchased and appreciated the high quality of our products and their benefits. Now, it's time for them to find out where and with whom to get their remarkable tattoos. We offer you the opportunity to showcase your tattoo studio or chain of studios, and if you are an independent artist, here is the place to present yourself and your art. Soon, our online store gxtattoo.com will be used by millions of clients in over 37 countries.
What is Required from You if You Decide to Advertise with Us and Have Your Advertisement Published:
Please send us an email with the following information:

For Tattoo Studios:

(ask in the email for the option - FREE advertising)
- Briefly introduce your tattoo studio and its atmosphere!
- Name of your tattoo studio
- Introduce the tattoo artists working with you - optional.
- Appointment booking process
- Is online consultation possible?
- Conditions for booking a session?
- Is sketch assistance available?
- Do you offer custom sketches?
- Do you create AI sketches?
- Do you offer piercing services?
- Do you provide courses and what kind?
- Do you issue a license for completed courses?
- Do you rent out workstations and under what conditions?
- Your website?
- Address of your tattoo studio(s)?
- Working hours?
- Phone number and hours for contact?
- Email and response time?
- Studio address?
- Provide your studio's logo!
- Let us know how many and which languages offered by our online store you want your presentation translated into!
Write to us at info@gxtattoo.com and we will send you a price quote as soon as possible! Our team will process and publish all this information accurately for the customers on the gxtattoo.com website.

For Tattoo Artists:

(ask in the email for the option - FREE advertising)
Sample text:
Hello, my name is Darina Apostolova, or Daria for short.
I am 25 years old and have been doing tattoos since 2017. I received professional training at [insert name], and I currently work at the coolest studio [insert studio name]. I have been drawing since I was 14 years old, which inspired me to follow my passion and turn it into a profession.
The opportunity to recreate people's ideas, eagerly anticipating their new tattoo and its significance to them, is an incredible feeling for me, and I am glad to do it!
- Appointment booking process
- Is online consultation possible?
- Conditions for booking a session?
- Is sketch assistance available?
- Do you offer custom sketches?
- Do you create AI sketches?
- Do you offer piercing services?
- Your website?
- Address of your tattoo studio?
- Working hours?
- If you are a traveling tattoo artist, which studios do you visit?
- Phone number and hours for contact?
- Email and response time?
- Studio address?
- Provide your studio's logo!
- Let us know how many and which languages offered by our online store you want your presentation translated into!
Write to us at info@gxtattoo.com and we will send you a price quote as soon as possible! Our team will process and publish all this information accurately for the customers on the gxtattoo.com website.

Whether your tattoo will be completed in one session or you have multiple appointments with your tattoo artist, it is essential to carefully care for the healing skin after each session.

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Вижте повече информация за тауисти и тату студия, запознайте се с тяхното изкуство и как да се свържете с тях. Вижте интериора на студиото, татуировки и още много полезна информация, която ще ви насочи да изберете студио или татуист , където да направите вашата желана татуировка.

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21 May 2024

Атмосферата в нашето студио е приятелска и професионална, създадена така, че да се чувствате комфортно и уютно по време на целия процес. Ние се стремим да осигурим най-високо качество на обслужване и да направим вашето преживяване незабравимо.

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Ние сме Dreams of Ink , мястото където влизаш с идея и излизаш с мечтаната за теб татуировка !

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Ние сме Тату Студио Инк Емперър, едно от най-големите тату студия в България и определено най-бързо развиващото се.

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Очаква се текст от татуиста .........

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Здравейте, казвам се Ива Митева, занимавам се с татуировки от 2010 година.

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Здравейте, казвам се Виктор Митев, занимавам се с татуиране от 28 години.

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Здравейте, казвам се Михаил, (накратко Миша) и съм татуист от 10 години.

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Здравеите,казвам се Божидар Митев, накратко Боби, занимавам се с рисуване от ранна възраст, завършил съм рекламна графика ,но изобразителното изкуство и живописта са моята страст.

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